Monday, October 28, 2013

The One Food That Settles Upset Tummies

Fagopyrum esculentum (Courtesy of

When my sisters and I were growing up, there was only one food that cured nausea and throwing up.
You’ll laugh when I tell you—that miraculous comfort food is kasha.
That’s right—plain buckwheat stops nausea right in its tracks.

Buckwheat (Courtesy of

NO! Not Buckwheat from “The Little Rascals,” though I love him too!
THIS kind of buckwheat:
Buckwheat (Courtesy of

I’m not saying all throwing up is bad.  In fact, vomiting eliminates toxins from the body. Sometimes that’s encouraged.
However, at some point, when a child or adult starts to feel hungry or shaky after a bout of elimination and they can’t seem to hold down anything elsegrab a box of buckwheat groats and work some magic!

How does it work?  I’m not really sure!  But it DOES work.

It turns out that buckwheat is a gluten-free super seed, not a grain, with amazing properties.  There is mounting evidence proving that it stabilizes blood sugar levels, helps lower cholesterol, and can regulate diabetes.

Buckwheat contains the eight essential amino acids, including lysine, as well as high amounts of manganese, magnesium, and fiber according to an article in Natural News found below (Three Reasons to Eat Buckwheat).

It also contains two flavanoids: quercitin and rutin.
Quercitin has been shown to support healing in the body.  Rutin is an antioxidant shown to potentially inhibit cancer. Rutin also strengthens the capillaries and circulation, and may reduce painful varicose veins.
When suffering through a stomach ailment where vomiting presents, blood sugar levels usually drop. The stabilizing effect of the kasha brings the sugar levels back into equilibrium.

Don’t you just LOVE how simple natural solutions can be?
I know I do!

Here’s the easy recipe on Wolff’s Kasha box that I make for my kids, when needed:
  • 2 Cups broth or water (I use Imagine No Chicken Broth)
  • 2 Tbs. butter or margarine (Earth Balance margarine is non-hydrogenated.)
  • 1/4 to 1/2 tsp salt or to taste
  • 1/8 tsp pepper (I leave this out when treating stomach upset, as it might be harsh on irritation.)
In separate bowl (egg is optional for vegans, so leave this coating part out):
  • 1 Cup kasha
  • 1 egg or egg white
  1. Lightly beat egg in bowl with fork. Add kasha, stir to coat kernels.
  2. Heat liquid, butter, and seasoning to a boil.
  3. In a separate medium-size skillet, add egg-coated kasha. Cook over high heat 2 to 3 min, stirring constantly until egg has dried on kasha and kernels are separate. Reduce heat to low.
  4. Quickly stir in boiling liquid. Cover tightly; simmer 8 to 11 min. until kasha kernels are tender and liquid is absorbed. Makes about 4 cups
For more advice on cooking kasha, check out this helpful link: Cooking Buckwheat.

Related Articles and References:
English: Cooked kasha. Polski: Ugotowana kasza...
Cooked kasha. (Wikipedia)

Photo credits: Buckwheat plant (, Buckwheat the character (Courtesy of, Buckwheat (Courtesy of,

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